This was an extremely fun project to be so involved in. We wanted to create resources and marketing materials to really promote Women's Health and how important it is. So many times, common health issues experienced by women get pushed aside or ignored which is why we wanted to shine a huge light on them! 
I was tasked with creating a full 'Women's Health Hub' where readers could access information, free and paid resources and extra websites to help them understand what they or a friend/family member is going through. I created a fun colour palette which helped me to come up with the design for the hub and it's separate pages, with illustrations designed by our Junior Graphic Designer. 
An additional job for this campaign was to create educational PDFs on a variety of health conditions in a more interesting way than what a doctor may give to a patient. It was fun to experiment with the colours I used for the website pages into print format and I am happy the layout came out so well, displaying all the information in the best way. This included 'Do You Know Your Options? Contraception Information Pack', 'Don't Fear Your Smear Information Pack', 'The Ultimate Guide to Starting Your Period Information Pack', 'Recovering at Home After a Mastectomy Leaflet', 'C-Section Aftercare Exercises Leaflet' and Patient Education Handouts covering female health conditions such as Menopause, Ovarian Cancer, Endometriosis, Breast Cancer, Bowel Cancer and many more.

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